Happy Tuesday,
Sukkot is ending and though I didn't get a chance to build a sukkah with my kids — just too much going on right now — we did make it over to a friends house for a pool party over the weekend. They had a sukkah and we said a few prayers at the end. It was nice.
I don't mean for this to be a recurring theme, but try to find time to spend with friends and family. If not in real life than in video games!
I played Walkabout Mini Golf VR with the crew I'm building the VR educational video game with, and it was so much fun to play together.
I'm actually in two cohort-based-courses right now, one is a writing online course and the other is a VR development boot camp.
For the latest writing assignment I combined them and did a curation piece on the Metaverse
If you've been intrigued, but don't fully grasp the Metaverse yet, this one's for you.
In a quick post you can find
I intend to continuously work on this page to turn it into the internet's best meta resource page on the Metaverse.
Check it out: On the Metaverse
Earth is connected across the globe by a growing network of fiber optic cables. Check out an amazing moving visualization of it put together by data visualization wiz Tyler Morgan-Wall
Someday I'd like to look back at earth from space. SpaceX takes normal people a little closer to that with their latest mission. In this recently released video the crew opens the cupola for the first time to get a crazy view of earth from space.
Playing Walkabout Mini Golf VR with friends was awesome. Have you tried VR at all?
If so, what's your favorite VR experience?
If you haven't tried VR, why?
Just hit reply, I read and respond to everyone!
As always, if you think a friend would like Tuesday Trends, just forward them the email.
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Have an awesome week and see you next Tuesday!
We need to expand our horizons beyond planet Earth if we are to have a long-term future.
Lucy Hawking (daughter of Stephen Hawing)