Tuesday Trends

moon cubes, Keanu on VR porn, the Metaverse, and NFTs

December 14, 2021

1 life update πŸ‘†

"Oh my god I've caught Omicron," the thought raced through my mind.

Just recently a work contact caught Covid despite mostly staying home and being vaccinated. I've been a little less careful maybe than I should, and now I feel like shit. I'm stuffed up, my head hurts, I'm tired, and my kids are feeling the same.

We already had our brush with Covid a month or so back when my daughter caught it from preschool. Now maybe I've got it?


I took an at-home test. Negative.

Maybe this is mostly in my head? Am I going crazy? ​
Covid's getting to us.

Maybe though Omicron will end up being the one variant to end all variants β€” if it's more contagious and less deadly than previous variants then it can rip through the population and give us all immunity? Maybe? Hopefully?

If the end of Covid is near, I suppose we should all start thinking about what post-Covid life will be like?

Are we all going back to the office? ​
Nahhhh. You can't put this cat back in the bag. Remote is here to stay.

2 crazy things ✌

🌐 Mystery cube on the moon

an alien hut perchance?

A colony of remote workers way ahead of the curve?

Who knows, but the picture of a mystery cube on the moon taken by a Chinese rover has the internet riled up.


πŸ‚ Spain to introduce a digital nomad visa

people sitting on chairs near white concrete building during daytime

Since none of us are going back to the office, you might as well move to Spain and work from there.


3 Metaverse things ✌+πŸ‘†

πŸ’Š Keanu on the Metaverse

So Epic's Unreal Engine 5 was used to create a kinda crazy new Matrix experience aptly titled: The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience​. Very imaginative I know.

That's not the best part, the best part is the interview with Keanu where he rags on NFTs, talks about his opinions of the Metaverse, and deeply ponders VR porn. Get some popcorn, it's 15 minutes worth watching.

​For more on the actual experience go here​

​Video link if above doesn't work​

🌐 Crypto exec in congress

I'm surprised that a member of congress could hold a reasonable conversation on tech. Honestly this is a decent little primer on crypto and the best conversation to come from recent committee hearings on crypto. Video link if above doesn't work​

🏦 Morgan Stanley back-pedals on remote

is that a printer? this guy definitely lives in the future ;)

Back in June, Morgan Stanley's CEO, James Gorman, was weirdly insistent everyone would be back in the office by Labor Day. That obviously didn't pan out. Now he's said, "I was wrong on this."

It's fascinating to me that even though Gorman has temporarily back-pedaled in the face of the Delta and Omicron variants he's still hoping for everything to go back to pre-Covid normal.

I suppose in a remote first, Metaverse, crypto/Web3, DAO workers world there's no place for the likes of Morgan Stanley's stance. They're in for a rude awakening post-covid when the employees still don't want to come into the office. A common enterprise refrain has long been "innovate or die", we can coin a new one, "embrace remote or lose everyone"


Is remote a fad?

I think remote is here to stay and the Metaverse will accelerate the trend that's already been accelerated by the pandemic.

Am I wrong? Let me know. Just hit reply, I read and respond to everyone!
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Have an awesome week and see you next Tuesday!


It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
Charles Darwin
​(maybe we should send this to Morgan Stanley's CEO)



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